Wednesday, November 27, 2019

contemporary Antigone essays

contemporary Antigone essays Society cannot escape contemporary moral issues. We are continually exposed to situations that bring into question our very system of beliefs. In response to these ethical dilemmas we are forced to adapt and reevaluate our present frame of mind resulting in both positive change and unavoidable struggle. Throughout the play Antigone, Sophocles clearly demonstrates the adversity one must face in the fight against injustice. One need not look very far to find immediate parallels in our own present-day society. The central conflict in Antigone is very recognizable: the struggle of a strong minded individual in direct conflict with the established rule of another. In the case of Antigone this rule comes in the form of King Creon. The story unravels as Polynices, Antigone's brother, dies while attacking the city of Thebes. By order of Creon Polynices's body is left to rot in the streets, a seemingly fitting judgment for a traitor. Regardless of her brother's actions Antigone believed he deserved a proper burial. In her eyes Creon's power wasn't limitless. "I did not think your edicts strong enough to overrule the unwritten, unalterable laws of God and heaven, you being only a man." Unwilling to yield her convictions Antigone was found burying her brother and sentenced by Creon to die. Her fiance Haemon, the son of Creon, discovered Antigone's dead body. Stricken with grief he killed himself. Upon hearing the news of his death Eulydices, Haemon's mother, also took her life. Creon, al one and responsible for the deaths of three people, finally understood his failings and weakness as a king. The relationship between Antigone and her sister Ismene clearly illustrates two opposing views. Both women, sickened by the news of Polynices's death reacted in a contrasting manner. Regardless of the consequence Antigone was ready to protect the rights of her brother. Ismene, however felt powerless, filled with fear and unable to...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Marijuana

Marijuana Marijuana (pot,) is one of the most widely used recreational drugs. The legalization of marijuana is one of the most controversial debates in today’s government. For years the debate to legalize this drug has grown stronger and stronger. There are various arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana. Those who are for legalization argue that marijuana is a stress reliever, it enhances creativity, and can be used for medicinal purposes. On the contrary, those who are against the legalization of marijuana argue that marijuana is a doorway drug to harsher more dangerous drugs, pot makes you stupid, and will make drugs readily available to our nation’s youth. Until its ban, pot was used for over 50,000 non-drug commercial uses including paper, textiles, fuels, food and sealants. Marijuana is also a medical herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable therapeutic uses- from stress reduction, to glaucoma to asthma to cancer therapy, etc. THC, the main active ingredient in marijuana, can be extracted and made into pill form for medical purposes. Marijuana was a major active ingredient in 40-50% of patent medicines before its ban. During the 1930’s the American media spread false stories about marijuana facts and depicted pot as an extremely dangerous drug. This caused marijuana and hemp to be effectively banned in 1938. Many say that by legalizing marijuana it will cause the crime rate to increase. In actuality legalizing marijuana would decrease the crime rate if the herb is readily available. It would eliminate the need of an underground subculture. For example, during the prohibition when alcohol was banned, the only way to obtain alcohol was through the black market. Once alcohol was legalized, distributors sold alcohol at a cheaper price, therefore driving bootleggers out of business. The same thing would happen if marijuana was legalized. Distributors would sell pot at a cheaper price and w... Free Essays on Marijuana Free Essays on Marijuana â€Å"Marijuana prohibition applies to everyone, including the sick and dying† (NORML). Marijuana has been illegal in the United States since 1937. In 1937 the United States of America passed the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, this made it illegal for anyone to possess, sell, or manufacture marijuana (Whitbread). There are many different views today on whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Many people support the idea of medicinal marijuana, the legalization of marijuana for chronically ill people. Others feel that legalizing marijuana will lead to the use of other â€Å"harder† drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, because it is viewed by many as a â€Å"gateway† drug. Since marijuana was made illegal there has been the creation of many different organizations to try to decriminalize marijuana. One major organization known as NORML, The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, â€Å"supports the removal of all penalties for the private possession and responsible use of marijuana by adults, including cultivation for personal use, and casual nonprofit transfers of small amounts† (NORML). This policy is known as decriminalization. If marijuana were decriminalized it would mean that the marijuana smoker could no longer be charged by the criminal justice system. Today in Missouri, if caught in possession with thirty-five grams or less of marijuana it is considered a misdemeanor and punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine up to one thousand dollars. Possession of greater than thirty-five grams of marijuana it is considered a felony and is punishable up to seven years in prison and a fine up to five thousand dollars. Possession of greater than thirty kilograms is considered trafficking and the penalty is five to fifteen years in prison and a fine up to twenty thousand dollars. Possession of one hundred kilograms or more carries a penalty of ten years to life in prison and a fine up to twenty thousand do... Free Essays on Marijuana Marijuana Hemp is the plant called "cannabis sativa" which is more commonly called marijuana. Marijuana has been illegal in the U.S.. ever since the Great Depression. The question we must ask ourselves is "why?" Why is a drug that has so many beneficial uses illegal? Is it because its poisoning the youth of today? Is it because it leads to harder drugs, the health problems, the addictiveness, the short-term memory impairment, the auto accidents, or is it simply because politicians tell us it is for "our own good?" We have grown up learning that marijuana is a terrible drug, and that using it gives us brain damage, kill all of our brain cells, and makes us lose our memory. The fact is though, that marijuana does not effect us in any of the ways listed above. The idea that marijuana impairs short-term memory is true, but misleading. Any signs of short-term memory impairment vanish once the user is no longer intoxicated. Mainly the reason we think marijuana is bad is because that is what the Partnership for a Drug-Free America wants us to believe. They tell us that marijuana will cause brain damage and memory impairment, it will kill brain cells, and lead to more crime. But what they forget to mention is all the benefits we can receive from legalizing marijuana. For example, the medicinal uses, and the textile and construction uses. It is very likely that legalizing marijuana would decrease the crime rate, and by legalizing marijuana we will save a lot of money because we won't have to spend it on fighting marijuana as part of the War on Drugs. There are many habits much worse than marijuana, one example being cigarette smoking. "Tobacco smoking kills more people each year than AIDS, heroin, crack, cocaine, alcohol, car accidents, fire and murder combined. Tobacco smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in the US. Tobacco smokers have 10 times the lung cancer of nonsmokers, twice the... Free Essays on Marijuana â€Å"Just say no to drugs,† a phrase we were all brought up with. It’s everywhere from our parent’s mouths to every kids love, candy boxes. Marijuana, one of the most common illegal drugs smuggled and used in the United States, is every parents nightmare. Since I can remember I was always told â€Å"drugs are bad,† and â€Å"never get mixed up with them.† At the time I was young and that was more than enough information for me so I never once questioned it, but as I grew older my curiosity began to grow along with me. I wanted to know â€Å"Why is this drug so bad?† and â€Å"What exactly are its effects on the human body?† My questions began to expand over time. â€Å"If this drug is so bad, how come almost half of America is on it, well at least that’s what it seems like in my neighborhood.† With all these unanswered questions roaming around in my head there was no question that this was the topic I was going to write my I-search paper on. I began investigating the issue at home online. I started by searching various search engines such as yahoo, excite and dogpile. The one I found to be the most resourceful was dogpile. â€Å"Marijuana: facts for teens,† was one of the web pages that contained an abundant amount of useful facts. I found it very easy to use because of its format. It contained frequently asked questions about marijuana along with scientific answers. The second step I took in locating my information was visiting the Mastic-Shirley Community Library, located in my town. In the library I stumbled upon books such as The Residual Cognitive Effects of Heavy Marijuana Use in College Students, by H.G Pope and Clinical Relevance Of Cannabis Tolerance and Dependents, by Ralph Jones These books also contained useful, relevant information such as the long term effects of marijuana. The first thing I researched was what marijuana exactly was. â€Å"Marijuana is a a green, brown or gray mixture of shredded leav... Free Essays on Marijuana Why should marijuana be legalized? Many people, old and young, everywhere in the world, partake in the activity of smoking this plant and buying paraphernalia. There are many substantial reasons to use this plant, besides for extra-curricular purposes. Marijuana should be legalized because it’s the holder of many beneficial uses including suppressing pain, raising the United States out of debt, saving millions of acres of forests, and creating jobs for many people. Through the legalization of marijuana, the U.S. could benefit immensely. Marijuana is the most widely used controlled substance in the United States. Since it is used so often, why not take the money it could create by selling it and help the economy. For every 1/8 ounce sold, the U.S. government could take 40% of the $40 or $45 with the other 60% going to the seller. The seller would have to be monitored by the government and would have to have licenses and have their crops tested for harmful fertilizers. Crime would also be affected in a positive way. Illegal drug crimes would drop, allowing the police to turn their attention to more serious problems. There is a marijuana smoker arrested every 45 seconds in the United States. Normally, they receive large fines and small jail time but repeat offenders can get up to five years. Sadly, rapists and murderers are able to get only one year. Do you really think smoking a joint is worse that raping and killing someone If marijuana were to be legalized, the jail would have room for criminals that deserve jail time for their crimes. Tax dollars that go to prosecuting and jailing these so called ‘criminals’ could go towards programs in helping inform smokers of how to do it responsibility. Drug dealers that dealt illegally would soon go out of business and drug smuggling would drop to a low. They would still sell cocaine and PCP and the other illegal drugs but they wouldn’t have the same profit that they got prior becaus... Free Essays on Marijuana Marijuana Marijuana (pot,) is one of the most widely used recreational drugs. The legalization of marijuana is one of the most controversial debates in today’s government. For years the debate to legalize this drug has grown stronger and stronger. There are various arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana. Those who are for legalization argue that marijuana is a stress reliever, it enhances creativity, and can be used for medicinal purposes. On the contrary, those who are against the legalization of marijuana argue that marijuana is a doorway drug to harsher more dangerous drugs, pot makes you stupid, and will make drugs readily available to our nation’s youth. Until its ban, pot was used for over 50,000 non-drug commercial uses including paper, textiles, fuels, food and sealants. Marijuana is also a medical herb that has hundreds of proven, valuable therapeutic uses- from stress reduction, to glaucoma to asthma to cancer therapy, etc. THC, the main active ingredient in marijuana, can be extracted and made into pill form for medical purposes. Marijuana was a major active ingredient in 40-50% of patent medicines before its ban. During the 1930’s the American media spread false stories about marijuana facts and depicted pot as an extremely dangerous drug. This caused marijuana and hemp to be effectively banned in 1938. Many say that by legalizing marijuana it will cause the crime rate to increase. In actuality legalizing marijuana would decrease the crime rate if the herb is readily available. It would eliminate the need of an underground subculture. For example, during the prohibition when alcohol was banned, the only way to obtain alcohol was through the black market. Once alcohol was legalized, distributors sold alcohol at a cheaper price, therefore driving bootleggers out of business. The same thing would happen if marijuana was legalized. Distributors would sell pot at a cheaper price and w... Free Essays on Marijuana Marijuana also reduces pain caused by AIDS and cancer and helps cure glaucoma’s. According to the National Cancer Institute, marijuana is used in alleviating side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite of chemotherapy patients. Marijuana reduces intraocular pressure in the eye for relieve from glaucoma’s. Marijuana can also ease muscle spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis. If it’s the only drug that effectively camouflages pain, then it should be used. No person should have a say in this matter unless they have experienced the pain and suffering that these people with cancer and AIDS have encountered due to their illness. Marijuana has been made out by many people to be harmful, but that is not the case. Over 2000 people die each year from the toxic effects of aspirin, and it is legal to anyone. Marijuana has never killed anyone, but yet it is not legal. Marijuana has many benefits; therefore it needs to be legal. It helps curb pain, saves forests, and would be much safer to its smokers if it were to be legalized. Alternative medicines are becoming more and more popular these days. I believe that holistic and herbal medicines are a great alternative for people who are allergic to traditional medicines. Along with safe use, people can better themselves with this secondary way of healing. I happen to use many herbal cures for everyday stressors, which over- the- counter drugs cannot help with. There is a great debate right now, concerning marijuana use for medical purposes. Before I came to the US, I have always believed that marijuana was something that people experimented with as a way to deal with their daily stress. I also felt that the use of marijuana was the harmful to a person physical and mental health. –The view in my country (Cyprus) is that marijuana is as detrimental as any other hard core drug-. However, my view about marijuana has changed dramatically over the years, not just because... Free Essays on Marijuana Marijuana†¦Legalize it? One question that has haunted Americans for a long time is â€Å"Should the use of marijuana be legalized?† Some say, â€Å"Yes†, while others say, â€Å"No†. Owning marijuana was made a criminal offence in 1937 when Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act. Even with this new law, people continued to use the drug. Here we are years later, still without a satisfactory answer to the question. There are many reasons that marijuana should be made legal, but there are also reasons that it should not. Through out this essay, I am going to compare and contrast some of the pros and cons of the legalizing of marijuana. Many people think that the legalization of cannabis would lead to health problems, such as, the use of a harsher drug and to psychological and personality problems that can come from using marijuana. These individuals feel that the negatives of marijuana use far outweigh the positives, and feel that the use of marijuana should remain illegal. To some people marijuana is considered a â€Å"gateway† drug. Legalizing marijuana may lead to the use of much more harsh drugs. I know someone who is currently sitting in a prison on multiple drug charges. He is sentenced to eight years in a minimum-security prison. When my friends and I think back about how his life got so messed up, it’s weird to think that it started out as simple as smoking pot. Once someone experiences a â€Å"high†, they may want to experience it again, and when pot does not do the trick anymore, they may turn to stronger drugs. Many people out there have no idea what it is like to be â€Å"highâ⠂¬  so to speak. If marijuana were legalized, those people would try the drug, like it, and then perhaps move on to much more damaging drugs. Legalizing marijuana could very well cause Americans to suffer from psychological and personality problems. THC is the active chemical in marijuana that causes the user to feel â€Å"high†. This chemical is most... Free Essays on Marijuana I believe that the government cannot intervene to forbid such practices in these states, because the Constitution does not state that the states couldn’t do it. The government does not have the power to take away the states right. If it doesn’t state that the government can intervene with a state decision, then the state can do whatever it wants. Unless, the government tries to bribe them to change there ways. For example, if the government said that the state wasn’t going to get 10 million in federal funds unless the state forbids prostitution and marijuana. Of course the state would stop permitting prostitution and marijuana and take the 10 million in federal funds. It states in the 10 Amendment any power not given to the national government is then reserved to the states. Which means if there is no statement about forbidding usage of marijuana, then Alaska is free to do whatever. The national government cannot stop Alaska for permitting marijuana. If the states believe permitting marijuana is the right thing, then the state will stand by its decision. In my opinion, I believe permitting marijuana to try to cure certain diseases is a good thing. I believe if a drug had potential in curing any disease then we should allow it or try it. At least we are trying to make a difference. Instead of us just sitting there and watching people die. The bad side of the situation of the drug is that it does have side affects and people can get addicted. There are two sides of the usage of the drug. I still think it is a good idea and we should allow it. The state of Nevada should not allow prostitution. I think that is wrong and unethical. The prostitutes could be carrying a disease and infecting everyone. That type of â€Å"business† can plague the whole state. I believe the government should have the right to stop prostitution. The government should have some say so about prostitution. A state law passed in 1971 ma... Free Essays on Marijuana Daniel Chaney The people who oppose legalizing marijuana feel that marijuana is morally wrong. They feel that legalizing another drug to get high America high isn’t the answer to our drug problem. This could make our drug problem spiral out of control some law makers feel. While others feel that it could improve our drug problem. The views of how to control America’s drug problem conflicts. Both groups those for legalizing marijuana and those against it are trying to achieve the same goal. Both sides want to improve America’s drug problem, the chief impediment between the people is the way they want to do it. The groups aren’t likely to agree on a compromise because each group represents a totally opposite way to reach the goal than the other. This issue will be written in black and white with no grey area. Marijuana will be made legal or it will remain illegal. The people who want marijuana to remain illegal feel that it will add to our problem. It will make it ok to use another dangerous drug legal and easily accessible. Those who feel that marijuana should be legal, look at it as legalizing a helpful drug with untapped potential. This is why each group is so far apart, because of the differences in the definitions of the issue. I see no foreseeable agreement between the sides. Whatever the decision is made, one of the groups will be strongly opposed to the choice.... Free Essays on Marijuana Marijuana: The Friendly Weed â€Å"Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Contrary to what you may think it was not a user of the friendly weed marijuana who said this. Just the opposite; it was the (Drug Enforcement Administration) DEA’s chief administrative law judge, Francis L. Young in 1988. People around the world have been brought up to think that marijuana is this deadly, addictive, harmful drug that will turn you into a stoner at first puff. Of course, this is not true. Marijuana is a very beneficial substance that has been used to treat serious ailments for thousands of years. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, was the first law that prohibited marijuana. Some protested it then and many more do now. Then, decades later, the Controlled Substance Act of 1970 placed all illegal and prescription drugs into five â€Å"schedules† or categories. Marijuana ended up in Schedule I, defining the substance as having: a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medicinal use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of safety for use under medical supervision. This does not apply to marijuana at all. Unfortunately, at the time the act was put into action, marijuana had been prohibited for more than thirty years. Its medical aspects put aside, marijuana was considered dangerous and addictive. However, in the 1970’s, a considerable increase in recreational users helped rediscover the medicinal purposes of marijuana. Scientists studied the health effects of marijuana and uncovered its history of helping people. Also, those who used it for simple enjoym ent, who had illnesses, discovered it’s therapeutic purposes. When word got out, people started to self-medicate. Distressingly with its Schedule I status, doctors cannot prescribe it, and medical research is severely hindered. In 1972, a petition was made to legalize marijuana for medical patients. After sixteen years of c... Free Essays on Marijuana Daily across the world millions of people are smoking marijuana. In some places this is an illegal activity, but in other places it is very acceptable. The New Encyclopedia Britannica explains, â€Å"Marijuana, also spelled Marihuana the Indian plant hemp plant, Cannabis Sativa, or the crude drug composed of its leaves and flower, usually crushed and put into pipes or formed into cigarettes for smoking†(Encyclopedia Britannica). The intoxicating chemical in pot is THC or Tetrahydrocannabinal. The use of marijuana has been practiced for thousands of years. Numerous different cultures have had their own different uses for the drug. Snyder explains, â€Å"Marihuana was probably first used as an intoxicant in India around 1000 B.C. and soon became an integral part of the Hindu culture†( Today, the intoxicating drug marijuana is filled in our nation’s streets and homes. The majority of the pot, which co mes into the United Stat! es, comes from Mexico. But that does not mean that the drug is not grown here in the states. Rolling Stone Magazine writes that behind tobacco, Kentucky’s second biggest cash crop is marijuana. The cultivators will grow their plants throughout the year starting in spring and harvesting in the fall seasons. The plants are then cut down and hung upside down to dry. The buds off of the plant are then picked off and ready to be sold on the streets to our nation’s kids. Even though there are severe consequences for practicing this act in America, people still make a living doing it every year. These same people along with many other followers want this drug to be legalized in America today. Marijuana cannot be legalized in America for medical or social purposes. Smoking marijuana is not a safe or effective medicine. The use of any drug whether it be legal or not is not healthy for one’s body to smoke. A human body lives off of breathing o...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Stella Macartney and sustainablity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Stella Macartney and sustainablity - Essay Example s such as the environment, human beings and the ecological make up are some of the major factors which should be given sustainability as far as fashion designing is concerned (Moisander, 2002). Sustainability is a fundamental social necessity today. Majority of the customers who are engaged in the purchase of the fashion products are obliged to put into consideration the effect of their product on the environment, the economy and the lives of other animals. Our practitioner in this study is Stella McCartney. The designer is a British born; she is a daughter to the famous pop star Paul McCartney and the animal right activist Linda McCartney. Stella started the art of designing at her teens. She won awards from the art even though she explains that she did not inherit the fame from her parents who were already on the media scenes due to their respective lines of duties which greatly exposed them. Stella’s fame was her own making. The major issue arising from Stella’s work is the problem of choosing new materials and trying to make it blend well with the satisfaction of the people who depends on the products. Another problem is the social view which touches on the people and the environmental things as well as other animals. There are many people who are against the use of animal products in the fashion wares. Stella incorporated her mother’s view which considered the rights of the animals. She was against the idea that animals were mistreated in the name of extraction of the raw materials for the designing companies. Because many companies used animal products such as leather and fur, her view obviously became an issue in the designing sector. Stella was for sustainability and for that anything which posed a threat to other ecological make up was not good for her. Animal injustices are a global concern. It has been established that many animals undergo a lot of suffering from human beings who d epend on their skin for the fashion designs. India and china